Powerful women make powerful lists.
We took a look at creating Bucket Lists, which is great practice to set and track long-term and lifelong goals. Since we've got a whole lifetime ahead of ourselves, let's also take a look at other ways to break down goals into daily lists. These checklists can be very inspirational in a tangible way - and keep us on our toes constantly!
Here's a quick glance at my Short Term Goals List. Take a look and think about your short term goals, which can be achieved in a short span of time (like 1 day or up to 12 months).
How can breaking down goals into action items help shift your life into high-happiness gear?
- Tithe more responsibly
- Read the Bible in a Year
- Join a prayer circle
- Participate in a mission trip with a local church
- Set up a JustGive.org account for my home church
- Invite 2-3 colleagues in the field to facilitate a webinar
- Attend conferences that feed my career goals
- Listen to at least 1 TED talk each week
- Create a PPT deck in case I ever need to make a presentation on Strategic Fundraising
- Research board service opportunities
- Commit to saving enough for a down-payment on a home by the end of the year
- Save $1,000 to contribute to a non-profit cause
- Reduce credit card debt by 50% this year
- Plant a vertical garden
- Run a 10K in every city where I have an assignment
- Join a sports team (like kickball!)
- Buy a bike (or participate in a bike-sharing program)
- Take a few classes (Krav Maga / Ballet)
- Volunteer in a meaningful way
- Journal robustly
- Print updated luggage tags
- Obtain my global drivers license
- Learn how to drive a stick-shift car
- Go to a Clemson Bowl Game
- Learn how to DJ
- Learn how to Rollerblade
- Organize a women's networking event/dinner at least once a year
- Learn and perform a set of songs by Prince
- Finish a series of language classes (maybe Polish!)
- Learn how to play chess and poker (and get really good at both!)
- Collect great facts about my home state
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