
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

58. Make lots of Powerful Lists......and review them daily

Powerful women make powerful lists.

We took a look at creating Bucket Lists, which is great practice to set and track long-term and lifelong goals.  Since we've got a whole lifetime ahead of ourselves, let's also take a look at other ways to break down goals into daily lists.  These checklists can be very inspirational in a tangible way - and keep us on our toes constantly!

Here's a quick glance at my Short Term Goals List.  Take a look and think about your short term goals, which can be achieved in a short span of time (like 1 day or up to 12 months). 

How can breaking down goals into action items help shift your life into high-happiness gear?

  1. Tithe more responsibly
  2. Read the Bible in a Year
  3. Join a prayer circle
  4. Participate in a mission trip with a local church
  5. Set up a account for my home church
  1. Invite 2-3 colleagues in the field to facilitate a webinar
  2. Attend conferences that feed my career goals
  3. Listen to at least 1 TED talk each week
  4. Create a PPT deck in case I ever need to make a presentation on Strategic Fundraising
  5. Research board service opportunities
  1. Commit to saving enough for a down-payment on a home by the end of the year
  2. Save $1,000 to contribute to a non-profit cause
  3. Reduce credit card debt by 50% this year
  1. Plant a vertical garden
  2. Run a 10K in every city where I have an assignment
  3. Join a sports team (like kickball!)
  4. Buy a bike (or participate in a bike-sharing program)
  5. Take a few classes (Krav Maga / Ballet)
  1. Volunteer in a meaningful way
  2. Journal robustly
  3. Print updated luggage tags
  4. Obtain my global drivers license
  5. Learn how to drive a stick-shift car
  1. Go to a Clemson Bowl Game
  2. Learn how to DJ
  3. Learn how to Rollerblade
  4. Organize a women's networking event/dinner at least once a year
  5. Learn and perform a set of songs by Prince
  1. Finish a series of language classes (maybe Polish!)
  2. Learn how to play chess and poker (and get really good at both!)
  3. Collect great facts about my home state

58. Make lots of Powerful Lists......and review them daily

Powerful women make powerful lists. We took a look at creating  Bucket Lists , which is great practice to set and track long-term and l...